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Ways to Buy

PLEASE NOTE: If the merchandise being purchased requires the mail in of an old part, your order will not ship until the old part is received. This largely pertains to wheels and ac switches as indicated in the part description. Upon purchase, you will receive a confirmation email with our address to mail in old parts.

Online Orders - US and International

Use our left menus to find the parts you need and click on the shopping cart symbol as described on the Start Here page.

If you update a quantity, remember to click on Save next to it or your changed quantity will not be saved!

There are also fields in the Comments section for providing basic information (make and model of your equipment, and any comments pertaining to the order, not new requests). We ask these things to assist with filling your order so you get the right part the first time. Again, you must click the Save/Update button or this information will be lost!

When you click on "Review and Save or Check Out", you will be able to review/modify your order and establish an account with a login password. Returning customers will login and be able to view current and past orders placed with us.

Once logged in and on the Order Review screen you have a decision to make. If you need items that are not available on our menus, please click on Save Order under the "Park Your Order" heading (scroll down to see). Then you can Contact us by email and we can put parts not available on the menus into your shopping cart!

There is an option to print a copy of your order for your records, and we advise that you do so as our confirmation email does not contain order details.

If ready to purchase, you will be presented with two options to pay:

    1. Using Paypal. Fast, secure, and you don’t even have to have a Paypal account to use! A major credit
        card is all you need. This is the required method for all international orders.
    2. Mailing in a check or money order (US customers only). Print off a copy of the order and mail it in.
        If you are ordering parts that require mail in of the old part, this can be a convenient method.


By phone with mail in of payment - US only

If you are ready to order, we can take orders over the phone for U.S. customers who are mailing in payment. We do not take credit cards over the phone!

If you have questions not answered on our FAQ and Help screens, or are inquiring about parts not on the menus, we prefer email or US mail initially with as much information as you can supply (see help screens for the item you are looking for that detail the kind of information that is helpful). This is because we may have to research what you need or determine if a substitute exists.

See the Contact us page for all the ways of reaching us.

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® Registered trademarks of V-M Audio Enthusiasts LLC.   Other material copyright 2000-2025 by V-M Audio Enthusiasts.
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