
The following links are provided as a service of V-M Audio Enthusiasts
Don't see yours listed? Contact us by email and send it along with a sentence or two description. If I agree it is of interest, I will add it!
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• Alabama Historical Radio Society - An active group with their own museum. Website includes a wealth of technical archives and useful links.
• Alex’s Reel to Reels - Here is a “reel” fan that loves to restore all brands of tape recorders from the ‘50’s to mid ‘60’s!
• All Unique - Leland Faber services vintage phonos including RCA 45 players in California. Offers ship in service and electrostatic flocking for all turntable platters.
• Antique Audio - Mark Oppat - Fresh stock mylar and electrolytic capacitors, repro dials, knobs, tubes, misc new and used radio parts. Mark is the “King of Controls” … can repair or duplicate most any control including concentric shaft and tapped pots. Email from website or contact Mark on his shop phone, 734-20-RADIO (734-207-2346) 11 am - 8 pm EST.
• Antique Electronic Supply - Dependable source for tubes, capacitors, and electronic parts.
• Antique Radio Classified - The website of the long running publication. Extensive links page with many links of interest to all antique audio fans.
• - Buy and sell radios, ham gear, stereos, parts, etc. Also has a list by state of radio clubs with contact information.
• Antique Radio Forums - Has a Phonograph forum that is a resource for people seeking technical help
• Audiokarma - Forum dedicated to all things home audio, including vintage electronics.
• Audio Specialist - Howard Bardach’s firm specializes in the repair and resale of quality current and vintage audio equipment.
• Burlingame Radio and TV - A family owned business since 1952 in Portland, Oregon, specializing in the repair and restoration of vintage tube radios from 1930 through 1970.
• Classics Sound Repair - Specializing in the repair of audio equipment both Solid State and Tube, old and new since 1981 (Arizona).
• DeBence Antique Music World Museum - Houses a collection of more than 100 antique mechanical musical instruments dating from the mid 1800’s to the 1940’s.
• Detroit Sound Conservancy - This nonprofit oranization works to increase Detroit’s capacity to conserve its musical past.
• Devoted to Vinyl - Michael provides advice on purchasing modern equipment such as turntables and preamps, as well as record care and storage accessories.
• Dickson's RCA 45 Changer Restoration - Shawn Dickson refurbishes and sells the popular RCA 45 record changers. See photo on the V-M & RCA 45 Player Parts page where he shows how to install the P190 cartridge in the RCA tone arm.
• Dutch Audio Classics - Information and manuals for many brands of turntables and CD players, Philips and Marantz are their specialty.
• Electric City Repair - A vintage audio / hi fi shop with large selection of equipment for sale, and does repair/restoration work.
• Get Reel - Geoff Rosenberg covers the world of tape recording. Information and resources on all reel to reel tape recorders.
• Hammond Manufacturing - Carries power and output transformers for tube audio products. These products are also for sale through Antique Electronic Supply, link shown on this page.
• Harmony Central - Read reviews on V-M amplifiers now being used by guitar players and musicians.
• JukeStrips - Here is a website that will allow you to print jukebox title strips for the records in your machine! Free product and paid product options.
• Ken’s Electronic Parts - Unique in the wide variety of current and obsolete electronic parts offered!
• Julia Meade - See a V-M Voyager Model 370 on this actress website.
• McIntosh Labs - Checkout the pages under The Brand, some great history on a storried company that has built quality audio products in Binghamton, NY since 1949. Their MC275 tube amplifier celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2011!
• Michigan Antique Radio Club - This club has 4 swap meets per year, including Extravaganza, now opened up to include a broad spectrum of vintage electronics!
• Newcomb transcription record players - Glen has put together some interesting pictures and history for this brand. There are other interesting pages on this site as well!
• Parts-Link - A parts resource website for professional servicers and manufacturers.
• - Now has an audio forum front end for all things Philco and other topics. To get to the original Ron Ramierz pages on Philco pictures, history, click on Philco Radio Gallery link at the very bottom of the forum front page or click here.
• Phonophan - Here you will find books, parts, products and information to enhance the antique phonograph collecting hobby, as well as a listing of fine antique phonographs for sale.
• Renovated Radios - Ed manufactures rubber supports, washers, grommets, plastic reproduction radio/TV knobs, push buttons, and other parts for vintage radios/record players.
• TheBestTurntable - Contains evaluations, ratings and reviews of modern record players sold on the market today, with links where to buy them. Useful information for anyone trying to decide among all the new offerings recently on the market.
• The Circuit Shop - Can recone or repair most vintage tape recorder and phonograph speakers.
• The Record Parlour - A retail record store that also sells and services record players, console stereos, turntables and jukeboxes! In Hollywood!
• The Sonotone Corporation - Roger Russell's fact filled website of interesting Sonotone history. V-M Corporation bought thousands of microphones and phonograph cartridges from Sonotone.
• Top Record Players - Reviews and comparisons of the most popular record players on the market, to help those looking to buy make an informed purchasing decision. Also contains info on caring for your record player after purchase.
• - An eclectic collection of vintage audio and other interests. Detailed Equipment descriptions - Very attractive layout. Visit Marc's site to purchase vintage equipment.
• Vintage Hi Fi Museum - All about high fidelity music, vinyl records, and analog audio systems with components “Made in the USA”, from the very beginning to the Golden Age of vacuum tube audio (1950’s to 1960’s) and finally solid state transistor designs (1970’s).
• Voice of Music Console Stereos and Audio Equipment (CSP&E) - This Facebook group celebrates the house brands of V-M Corporation with pictures, postings and advice.
• West-Tech Services - Gib Epling is happy to help with selective crystal cartridge rebuilding. Click on website link for more information.
• Zu Audio - This company features American made speakers, cables and other products. You can sense the passion they have for high fidelity just reading about how they got started.
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