Contact us Information

Please include model information, approximate year the equipment was made (if known). Also see the Help screens applicable to the part(s) you need for the kind of information that is pertinent to help us help you efficiently.

Ways to contact Gary:
By email (best
method, with details so we can research your need)
Put us on your "safe list" and email by clicking on

or login to your email, start a new message,
and type in the address manually.
Please do not send more than 1 picture unless more are requested!
Most emails are returned in a few hours but our reply may not reach you! If you didn’t hear back in 36 hours, check your “Junk Mail” folder first or write or call on the phone.

Its Winter Project season and all of you are flooding me with your project questions. I will reply as soon as possible. As always, check your junk email for my reply.
By mail or phone
It is easy to pick up the phone but it is more helpful if you write or email first with your needs (see top of page). Phone orders accepted from US customers using mail-in payment option.
We do not accept credit cards over the phone. To use a credit card or Paypal balance, please order online. For "what is it worth?", please see the
FAQ and Restoration Tips page.
V-M Audio Enthusiasts
37530 E. Meadowhill Dr.
Northville, MI 48167
 (phone hours 10am - 6pm Eastern time, Monday thru Friday and 11am - 2pm on Saturday)
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V-M Audio Enthusiasts -37530 E. Meadowhill Dr. - Northville, MI
® Registered trademarks of V-M Audio Enthusiasts LLC. Other
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