Personal Service Since 1999 ![]() Tetrad Help! All Tetrad cartridges are not alike! Even if they look the same, they can have different output voltages. In the past, there were replacements made for each type. Today, there are a limited number of replacements and only one basic cartridge element. However, if we know what original Tetrad model you are replacing, we can customize your purchase so that the replacement will work in your phono. If you are replacing a cartridge in a Voice of Music phono, we need the replacement cartridge information on the sticker (Please see the Cartridge Help! page for sticker location). If the sticker is missing or if you are replacing a Tetrad in a non-V-M phono, please provide us with as much of the following information as possible: - Phono make and model number - Tetrad needle number (stamped on black lever if an original Tetrad) - Any markings on cartridge body and color of cap that holds the clip that holds the needle in place - Tell us if you want a needle with LP and 78 tips or a needle with both tips for LP (and 16, 45 rpm) records Once we have this information, we can recommend specifically what to order, with an output voltage that is compatible with your phono. Note: It may seem like we are going through a lot of trouble to customize today’s Tetrad replacements. After all, there are a lot of new old stock Tetrads offered for sale on the internet. In most cases, we avoid these because Tetrad cartridges have a shelf life. They also tend to fail intermittently, starting out first with “scratchy” sound in one or both channels, and then “dropping out” in one or both channels. Therefore, they may test fine on a quick test, but start acting up once installed in a phono. We therefore prefer fresh replacements of recent manufacture.