Other Turntable and Tape Recorder Parts

Many parts are available on our self order menus at left, but many more are not! There are photos that show some of the thousands of parts available on the following pages:
- Other V-M Phono Parts
Other V-M Tape Recorder Parts
Most of these parts, and many more, are specific to V-M products but that
includes a lot of record changers and tape decks built by V-M for GE,
Motorola, Philco, RCA, Zenith etc.
Some parts like turntable mats, ac cord assemblies, motor
mounts, and turntable retainers might be able to be used or
adapted for use on other brands. We are working hard to move
them as fast as possible to self order menus, but if you
don't see what you need, Contact us by email as always.
We have a huge selection of V-M Factory Service parts. What
does that mean?

The view above attempts to answer in a single picture. This
is the view down aisles 3 and 4.
There are 18 aisles of V-M Factory Service parts here. Part
numbers start at 2500 and finish
in the 83,000's. These parts came from V-M Corporation's
Service Dept. 72 and major distributors.
Some parts even V-M Corporation had run out of. In general,
mechanical part availability
is very good for record changers built after 1950, and trim
parts after 1965.
Tape recorder parts from all eras are generally in excellent
We don't have a lot of V-M stock of older “tube era”
transformers, speakers, and we have no grill cloth. See the
FAQ and Restoration Tips section for recommendations
on these items.
We don't sell resistors and capacitors as these are
available many other places. However, we
do highly recommend buying from Mark Oppat through his
Old Radio Parts

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